Stop the ring from turning your finger green

Stop the ring from turning your finger green

After wearing your favorite ring all day, have you ever come home to find a greenish-black color around your finger? You’re in the right place if you answered yes to the question.

Have you ever thought that your ring might be allergic? You might have been shocked or bewildered if you didn’t think so.

If it’s just green or black pigmentation, which is very common among ring-wearers you don’t have to be concerned. There are many ways to prevent your ring’s greenish color from affecting your fingers.

Take Care Not To Get All Allergic to The Metal

Is it just a discoloration of your finger? Are there other symptoms? You might feel discomfort or pain, and you may also have rashes, bumps and sometimes reddish marks under the ring.

It could be allergy. Ask your jeweler or surf the internet to find out the answer.

You should exclude metals such as palladium and platinum, stainless-silver-tarnish, and copper that are known to cause allergy. Hypo-allergenic are yellow gold and Sterling silver by themselves.

Nickel is the most allergenic metal in rings, followed by cobalt (chromium) and chromium. You might have allergies to nickel in the ring. If you are unsure which metal is the culprit, consult a dermatologist.

What makes a ring turn your finger green or black?

If it isn’t an allergy, you can take a deep breathe and let the rings dry off. Finger discoloration caused by the rings is quite common and doesn’t cause any side effects. You might feel a little bit irritated or annoyed, but it’s nothing to be concerned about.

The your fingers.

Metal corrosion

Under moist conditions, some metals such as silver and copper may corrode and create dark-colored compounds. These compounds can turn your finger black or green.

What are the Major Triggers that Cause Metals in Your Ring to Abrase or Corrode?

The problem of your ring turning green on your finger is extremely common. You are more likely to come across at least one trigger that corrodes or erases the metal in your ring daily.

It is surprising to say, but sweat can release fats, fatty acid, and chlorides that could be corroding your ring’s metal.

Metal corrosion can also be caused by soaps, detergents, and cosmetics. Cosmetics can contain more hard material than gold, which could eventually cause the loss of gold and other softer metals.

Your silver jewelry might be corroded by acidic and sulphur compounds found in cosmetics.

Chlorine found in spas could also be consuming your gold and Sterling silver rings.

Saltwater, heat and moisture can also cause and contribute to the oxidation or corrosion of many metals.

Is it more difficult to get green if you wear cheap jewelry?

If you have green or black fingers from rings, the best advice is to get rid of all cheap jewelry. Copper, aluminum, brass and silver are the most commonly used metals in costume jewelry.

Nickel is the most allergenic, but silver and copper are also very common causes of finger turning green. Your finger can become green from cheap jewelry.

Does that mean expensive jewelry is immune to complaints? No. You can give your fingers that greenish-black color with expensive jewelry mostly made of gold.

14K yellow gold indicates that the ring contained 58% pure gold and 42% alloys. This can lead to a green line around your finger. Your finger can turn green even if 18K Gold contains 75% pure and 25% alloys.

What can you do to stop a ring from turning your finger green?

There are many ways to prevent jewelry from turning your skin yellow. Below are some of the best tips.

1. Do Not Expose Your Ring To Water Or Detergents For Long:

Many metals are capable of resisting moisture corrosion, but moisture can accelerate the process of rust if it is combined with other corrosive substances. Detergents and soaps can also be corrosive to metals.

Make sure you take off your ring every time that you wash your face, bathe, or do dishes.

2. Keep your ring away from chlorine

Swimming pools and spas are chlorinated so make sure to remove your rings if you go swimming or for a spa treatment.

3. Be sure to not apply your hand creams to your ring!

Hand creams are not meant for rings. It makes sense to use your hand creams or other cosmetics on your hands only.

Wear your rings only when your skin has completely absorbed the lotion.

4. Use Zinc-Oxide Free Absorbent Powders

You can also apply absorbent powder to your ring finger if you sweat a lot. This will ensure that any oils, acids and moisture on your finger are absorbed, leaving your finger dry and clean.

5. Keep your rings clean and polished

The higher the chances that the ring is dirty or stained, the more they will color your fingers . Use lemon juice or vinegar to clean your copper rings often.

Wear your ring every day. Make sure you at least wipe it with a soft cloth before you put on your clothes. This will remove any oil, sweat, or moisture from the rings, and prevent further oxidation.

Jewelry polish or wax can be used once in a while to protect your jewelry. It will eventually stop your finger turning green.

6. Keep your rings in a safe place

This is probably the best and most cost-effective advice. To prevent your rings from becoming tarnishing by humidity at night, store them in a Ziploc bag. The outer plating (i.e. It protects the outer plating (i.e., gold, silver or rhodium plating), of most inexpensive jewelry from being worn off.

The ring is safer and more secure than a sloppy one.

7. Use Clear Nail Polish

This tip is life-saving! Don’t forget to have clear nail polish around the house! If so, apply the nail polish to the inside of your ring and allow it to dry.

The polish acts as a barrier between your ring’s surroundings and your ring, protecting it and stopping it turning your finger green or dark.

This tip is extremely effective but you may need to reapply it every now and again, especially if the ring is worn every day. Make sure you clean the ring thoroughly before applying polish.

8. Use Jewelry Shield

A jewelry shield might be an option if you are allergic to metals and don’t have any nail varnish. Darice also makes JewelryShield, which is an affordable and efficient option.

9. Use a crystal-clear enamel coat to spray your ring

There are many commercially available crystal-clear enamel coatings that can be used to create a barrier between the skin and the ring. They protect your rings longer than jewelry shields or nail polish.

This option is great if you have many rings to deal with. Sprays are convenient because you don’t have to paint each of the rings. Krylon UV-resistant clear acrylic coat is a great product.

10. Make Your Ring Rhodium-Plated on the Inside

You can get your ring professionally rhodium-plated at a local jewelry shop if you love a ring. The cost to have your ring electroplated is around $30-50, and it takes only a few minutes.

You now know how to stop a ringer from turning your finger black or green, so you can still wear the ring that you love, even though it has discolored your finger.

If you don’t want to try all the tips, and you have the budget for it, high-end platinum rings won’t make your fingers turn green. If you are looking for cheap, fashionable jewelry , these are 5 top places to buy it.

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